Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A new job... new best friends...a new mission with Jesus

I did not expect this one.  On a sunny ordinary August day, I was working in the International Office.  After completing many of the international student applications, I decided to take a break by checking my e-mail.  Usually my e-mails contain the "excitement" of Campus Safety reminders and store sales that really don't save you any money.  However, there was one e-mail that caught my eye. It was an e-mail from my advisor.  It said...

Hi Hannah,

I hope you got everything worked out with residence life. I wanted to also let you know about this opportunity. I think you would be great at this, so I wanted you to be aware in case you are interested in applying. Safe travels!

With curiosity of what the job could be, I read the attachments and the forwarded e-mail sent to her from a Special Education professor. The job summary explained a new program on campus called Bethesda College. The job itself specifically entailed being a Resident Assistant of four ladies with intellectual and development disabilities on campus. At this moment I felt an answer to God's prayer. Let's back up to what that prayer was all about...

{ Each year, Residence Life is hiring RA's. I wanted to be an RA for various of reasons so I gave it a try and interviewed. A few days later, I found out I didn't get the job. I was crushed because I put all my hopes and thoughts into getting this job. Therefore, I prayed to God asking him to help me get the job.. I tried again...and a few days later, I found out again I did not get the job. I couldn't understand why God did not answer my prayer and I didn't want to focus on it too much so I decided to
 move on. }

After reading the whole e-mail, I said a quick prayer to God saying thanks for another unique shot of being an RA and guidance as I e-mail the Special Education Professor about the opportunity.  I e-mailed her expressing an interest in the job and literally minutes after, I heard back from her expressing the want to interview me that afternoon.  I managed to complete the interview during my lunch break.  When I arrived, I got a feeling of nervousness in my stomach.  I sat down and met two ladies.  One of the ladies was the Special Ed. Professor and the second lady was the Director of Bethesda College.  I can't explain how wonderful the conversation was with these two ladies because it was just pure wonderful!  I could tell God was right there beside me giving me the guidance in saying the right words.  I felt His ultimate presence.  After an hour of talking, she offered me the job and I said yes! I called everyone close to my heart and expressed the great news... 

From there on, my life changed. I am now a Residence Assistant who wears many hats that hold many responsibilities.  I'm a teacher, a best friend, facilitator, a mom at times, a counselor, and more. My life changed in all good ways and it was because of God.   He answered that prayer I said to Him a year and a half ago.  He just did it in His timing.  Therefore, I learned to never underestimate His power and plan.  

These four ladies and three men became my best friends.  We eat together, I get ready in the morning with the ladies (sometimes dancing to music or singing or talking about what the day is going to look like), we watch movies, we study together, we eat ice cream (sometimes way too much) and we are simply there for each other. 

I also couldn't ask to be part of a better family of staff.  My co-Resident Assistant is amazing. God blessed Bethesda College with a great male role model who has a caring heart.  All of the staff is supportive, loving, and committed. 

This semester taught me a lot regarding true patience, communication, flexibility, friendship, and simply what it looks like to be on a mission with Jesus.  This opportunity is not only just for me though.  It is an opportunity for these four ladies and three men to grow as independent successful individuals and experience a college life.  I can not be more happy to be friends with wonderful people!  

Now, I am on Christmas break... I wake up and miss everybody!  Sooner than we know it, we will be on the next adventure together.  (:  

Merry Christmas and Blessings to all!  

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hong Kong

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
{Jeremiah 29:11}

Hello my friends!

About 4 months ago, I received word that there was an opportunity to go teach ESL in Hong Kong from July 10-August 2.  After thought and prayer, I completed the application.  A week after I completed an application, I got confirmation that I was accepted to go to Hong Kong.

Since this trip was my first overseas trip, I was nervous for the plane ride.  However, I was all smiles about serving our Lord by sharing His love through ESL.  My friend Kyle was also determined to complete this mission.

After 14 hours on this plane, we landed safely on the ground in Hong Kong.  I am thankful that we arrived at 6:00 pm and not in the morning.  If we would of arrived in the morning, I would of been up for almost 30 hours! I'm so glad bedtime was so close in time.

When we arrived at the school, the team and I found out news that the camp we were leading was cancelled.  There were a few changes before the trip so we were prepared to be flexible.  However, I did not know that a camp could be cancelled last minute.  A Hong Kong Lutheran Synod worker who picked us up from the airport, gave us word that they had a plan.  It was true!  There was a plan.  The plan was for half the team to teach ESL to a  kindergarten class for 2 hours a day and the other half to join Concordia Nebraska University team to teach ESL in a primary class and high school.  It was interesting for us to hear that we would be only teaching 2 hours a day...."What else would we do with our day?"...."How can we help more?".   It was also sad to see the team in having to split up.

After a talk with the team, we decided for us to try to stay as a team as much as possible.  We did this by teaching kindergarten all together for the first week, splitting in half the second week to go teach with CUNE, and teaching kindergarten all together for the last week.  Yes, things did not go exactly as planned but they worked out because God had a plan.

  • God had a plan when we broke the key to our room on the first night and sent a missionary.
  • God had a plan when Kyle left his DSLR camera in the taxi.
  • God had a plan when we got lost.
  • God had a plan when I fell and hurt my ankle.
  • God had a plan when we didn't know to teach on the first day.
  • God had a plan when we got crabby or mad at each other.  

Even in the happy times, God had a plan.

  • God had a plan to bring Andrew, Kyle, and Ben the opportunity to play soccer with boys in the community.
  • God had a plan to have us meet wonderful inspiring people and missionaries of the church.  

  • God had a plan to bring laughter and smiles upon us with the kids.
  • God had a plan for the guys to play soccer with the LCHS male soccer team and have the girls watch the game. 
  • God had a plan for me to meet up with my international friends from CUW in Hong Kong.  
  • God had a plan to create friendships with missionaries of our age.  
  • God had a plan for me to find out that there was an all special education school in Hong Kong.  
  • God had a plan for mine and Jessica's birthday.  

Every day, God had a plan for the team in Hong Kong.  Yet He still has a plan for every morning, afternoon, and night. Our Lord is watching over us! The only thing He asks for us to do is listen and follow not only on mission trips but everyday.

This trip was amazing and I do not regret choosing to go.  Back at the University, I lead a ministry called CHAT.  CHAT is where we connect international students with american students.   This trip definitely allowed me to experience what international students feel towards new food, a new environment, and being away from home.

God has a plan (: